Monday 25 July 2011

week 5 - He IS A 100 ArTiStS!!

I’m talking about the contemporary artist Shea Hembrey, or actually I shall call him “the artists”. He is the one behind the international biennial by himself. He invented 100 characters who were artists who have different passion in life and art style. Am quiet fascinated and astonished from this artist; I usually hear that group of artists worked together for one project, but for a single artist to come up with many imaginary artists and do their work! This is definitely amazing and interesting.

I watched his talk in TED and there were two things he said that I am going to quote it for my life. The first thing is that when he said that he visited international art exhibition in Europe and couldn’t find what he wanted from artistic level which instead of making him disappointed, it gave him the pulse to make his own biennial that could be how he wanted it. And that’s a spirit that only great artists must have if I ever wanted to be one. The second thing was when he said that “Great art would have Head, Heart and hands”, here he meant the head with having interesting intellectual ideas and concepts, he meant heart for having passion and soul, and he meant with the hands for the great crafting. If I want to add anything to what he said I will simply say, that I will definitely follow the 3H’s rule for my artistic projects but with the different understanding which will be based on the assignments and projects given.

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