Monday 10 October 2011

Final design

This illustration uses Juxtaposition and Metaphors to show that the print medium will always be the most effective way of implementing creative thoughts in design, technology and etc on the most basic level.

Our concept design statement is "Creative Print Media Revolutionized Communication".
Hence, in what way does it revolutionize? Creativity promotes simplicity, correct?
So our final artwork is Juxtaposition at the simplest form to convey our message.

Using the popular question of "Which one come first? The Chicken or the Egg?" gave birth to our idea for this final illustration. This juxtaposition with the hint of 'paper' underneath ignites curiosity and thinking among the audiences on the message that we're trying to impart. They may not make a complete coherent sentence of what they sees here, but its implication is unmistakable.

Hence by using this idea of a infinite paradox, we impose another question, The Medium or The Media comes first? If so, then which comes first, Drawings or Medium to Draw?

The closely bonded link between the medium and the media is influential to one another. But creativity brought the usage of medium on media on a whole another level. Creativity which introduces juxtaposition, simile, satire, words, graphical imagery have begin to simplify message into the simplest form, as was intended in this Final Artwork.

Final draft

final few sketches of the design

First draft

This is the first draft of our final illustration work. the work is self explanatory. it talks about how print press came to be and how it influenced the world and shows some of the early methods of printing. there is Mr.Gutenberg himself also. its a simple sketch which i think can be worked on to look better.