Monday 10 October 2011

Final design

This illustration uses Juxtaposition and Metaphors to show that the print medium will always be the most effective way of implementing creative thoughts in design, technology and etc on the most basic level.

Our concept design statement is "Creative Print Media Revolutionized Communication".
Hence, in what way does it revolutionize? Creativity promotes simplicity, correct?
So our final artwork is Juxtaposition at the simplest form to convey our message.

Using the popular question of "Which one come first? The Chicken or the Egg?" gave birth to our idea for this final illustration. This juxtaposition with the hint of 'paper' underneath ignites curiosity and thinking among the audiences on the message that we're trying to impart. They may not make a complete coherent sentence of what they sees here, but its implication is unmistakable.

Hence by using this idea of a infinite paradox, we impose another question, The Medium or The Media comes first? If so, then which comes first, Drawings or Medium to Draw?

The closely bonded link between the medium and the media is influential to one another. But creativity brought the usage of medium on media on a whole another level. Creativity which introduces juxtaposition, simile, satire, words, graphical imagery have begin to simplify message into the simplest form, as was intended in this Final Artwork.

Final draft

final few sketches of the design

First draft

This is the first draft of our final illustration work. the work is self explanatory. it talks about how print press came to be and how it influenced the world and shows some of the early methods of printing. there is Mr.Gutenberg himself also. its a simple sketch which i think can be worked on to look better.

Friday 9 September 2011

Tracy lee stum!!!

Tracy Lee Stum is an internationally recognized American streetpainter who specializes in spectacular, interactive 3d chalk art street paintings.  A visionary and master in the chalk art world, Tracy’s mind-blowing dimensional images continue to ‘wow’, inspire and amaze viewers around the globe!
Tracy began street painting in 1998 and is considered by Madonnari peers, festival directors and viewers among the finest street painters today. Tracy has participated as an invited featured artist in many festivals and events in the US and internationally where her paintings have won numerous awards & accolades – she currently holds a Guinness World Record for the largest street painting by an individual, which was set in 2006. Tracy’s work is also featured in the book ‘3D Street Art’, by Birgit Krols, Tectum Publishing, 2010.
here are some of her amazing artworks

logical vs associated mind map

logical mindmap :

The Logical Mind Map is directly connected to stereotypes. The Logical mind map comprises of solely stereotype words. Which means that every word or image that is put within the mind map is directly related to the central subject through its links.

                                                         associated mindmap : 

Using an associated mind map we are able to generate random words and also show the links between words that seemingly have no connection

Tuesday 16 August 2011

on week 7 , the lecture was really fun.... our lecturer Mr:Yap asked us to split or divide a piece of a paper into 3 parts , and then on the first part we have to draw a head!! -only a head- and then pass the paper to another student and he/she should draw the body BUT without seeing the first part (the head) and then pass it again to another student  to draw the feet without checking out the head and/or the body ..... actually it was really fun, each and everyone in the class laughed so much after seeing his/her character..... and here is mine ;) LOLZ

i named this character duckman because the character is a combination of a duck and a man , the head and feed of a man and the body of a duck, i think its quite interesting ;)  

week 7: Creative Environments and its effects on the Human productivity:

After I have seen some interior designs for famous offices such as Pixar, Google, Yahoo and a lot more, I discovered how much the environment can affect on the people activities, emotional status and productivity. When I said environment I didn’t mean the people surrounded you, but I meant the colors been polished around you, the furniture and wallpapers you stay on to practice your daily activities or to your job.
This thing can be seen everywhere, restaurants always have the red color theme as it attracts customers and make them feel hungry. When people want to relax, they look at the sky or they go to the beach because the blue color makes you calm. Having orange color surrounds you will make you feel energetic and active. As you can see, colors affect on human feelings and attitude.
Having creative environment is what makes people achieve not only more, but also better. Mixing colors, having decoration and design where it suits the environment of work or activity is always important. And you can see that in workplaces of big companies to motivate their staff and make them more productive.
and here are some pictures for work places of big companies